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We have just released Sunshine Photo Cart 1.5.3 which is mostly some bug fixes. However, one important change was made to help the speed the frontend of your site when using the plugin. We have almost cut Sunshine’s memory usage in half with this release which should result in noticeably faster load times for your website.

Full change log:

* Fix – Order confirmation has credits still in $
* Fix – Duplicate image comments appearing in order details
* Fix – Moved settings framework to load only in admin to significantly decrease memory usage on frontend
* Fix – Users could checkout without fully filling packages in cart
* Add – Don’t show packages link if gallery Price Level has no valid packages. Package page to display no packages as well should someone guess the URL.

Derek Ashauer
Derek Ashauer, developer of the Sunshine Photo Cart WordPress plugin, has dedicated over 10 years to developing and supporting this effective tool for photographers. His expertise in the WordPress platform extends beyond this plugin with over 15 years of experience in building client sites. Derek's work centers on enhancing the functionality and profitability of client galleries for photographers, showcasing his commitment to supporting their business growth.