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Creating session fees page for clients

The Session Fees add-on allows you to define dates/times for your clients to sign up for a session and pay for it online. Here are the steps to make these available to your clients:

  • Create a new Page on your WordPress site
  • Insert the [sunshine_session_fees] shortcode into the page

Session Fees Shortcode Options

[sunshine_session_fees price_level="ID" product_id="ID" show_excerpt="true/false" show_session_dates="true/false" session_start_date="Date String" session_end_date="Date String" show_booked_dates="true/false"]

price_level (ID) = Unique ID for a specific price level to determine which prices to show. Will use your default price level if not provided

product_id (ID) = Specific Session Fee product ID, defaults to showing all available Session Fee products

show_excerpt (true/false) = Show an excerpt of your product description, defaults to true

show_session_dates (true/false) = Let customers select a date/time from available schedule, defaults to true

session_start_date (Date string) = Which dates to show starting from this date. Use a strtotime() compatible string.

session_end_date (Date string) = Which dates to show before this date. Use a strtotime() compatible string.

show_booked_dates (true/false) = Show, but disable, any dates that have already been booked

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