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I’m excited to announce the release of a powerful new add-on for Sunshine Photo Cart: Sell Anything! This add-on is designed to help photographers expand their business by selling a wider variety of products beyond just prints and digital downloads.

Why “Sell Anything”?

Sunshine Photo Cart has been a great tool for selling photo prints and digital downloads. However, many photographers have asked for a way to sell other items not tied to a specific image. That’s where the Sell Anything add-on comes in. With this new feature, you can now offer an extensive range of products to your customers, enhancing your business and increasing your revenue streams.

What Can You Sell?

The Sell Anything add-on lives up to its name by allowing you to sell virtually anything you can think of. It even works seamlessly with the Product Options add-on, giving you even more flexibility. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Session Fees: Have your customers pay for their photography sessions directly through Sunshine Photo Cart. This simplifies the booking process and keeps everything in one place.
  2. Photography Courses: Share your expertise with amateur photographers by offering courses. This is a fantastic way to make extra money while helping others improve their skills.
  3. Photo Books: Create and sell beautiful photo books featuring pre-designed collections of your work. This adds a personal touch and provides a tangible product for your clients to cherish.
  4. Business Swag: Expand your brand by selling merchandise like USB sticks, stickers, shirts, and more. This not only generates additional income but also promotes your photography business.

How It Helps Photographers Succeed

The Sell Anything add-on is a huge leap forward for photographers looking to diversify their offerings and maximize their business potential. By providing the ability to sell a broader range of products, you can attract more customers and meet various needs and preferences. This flexibility ensures that you’re not limited to just selling images but can offer a complete range of products that enhance your clients’ experience.

Get Started Today

Integrating the Sell Anything add-on into your Sunshine Photo Cart setup is straightforward and user-friendly. Whether you’re adding session fees, creating courses, designing photo books, or selling branded merchandise, this new feature provides the tools you need to grow your business. You can even use custom URLs to send customers a direct link to purchase which can be very useful in email marketing or sending a link to pay for session feees!

I’m thrilled to see how the Sell Anything add-on will help photographers like you achieve greater success and expand your business in new and exciting ways. If you have any questions or need assistance getting started, please don’t hesitate to contact support.

Thank you for being a part of the Sunshine Photo Cart community. Here’s to your continued success!

Derek Ashauer
Derek Ashauer, developer of the Sunshine Photo Cart WordPress plugin, has dedicated over 10 years to developing and supporting this effective tool for photographers. His expertise in the WordPress platform extends beyond this plugin with over 15 years of experience in building client sites. Derek's work centers on enhancing the functionality and profitability of client galleries for photographers, showcasing his commitment to supporting their business growth.