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Sunshine 2.4 is now available

Sunshine 2.4 is now available for automatic update. This release addresses general image security but more focused using the Digital Downloads add-on. This is a big update in terms of structure. As such, there is a very important upgrade process which needs to be run, you will be notified of how to do so in the admin area. […]

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Emma Day 2016

  6 years ago, on May 4th, our daughter Emma passed away at the age of 3 months after battling to recover from multiple surgeries to fix her malformed heart caused by Twin-to-Twin Transfusion. Every year we celebrate her by focusing on what is most important – being a family. As such, our family: Myself, […]

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Successful first Sunshine Hangout

I think the first Sunshine Hangout was a success! We had only a few people, but I was able to take some questions, hear some feature requests (one of which has already been implemented) and talk about how powerful the Automated Email Marketing add-on is and why I think everyone should be using it. Feel free […]

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What should the next major add-on be?

Sunshine has been in “cruise control” for a while. My focus on Sunshine coding has been on small tweaks to usability and fixing bugs. I have also been focused heavily on marketing so Sunshine can grow it’s user base and “get bigger” so I can spend more time working on it (more income Sunshine generates for […]

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Sunshine 2.3.5 Released

I have just released Sunshine 2.3.5 which mostly addressed bug fixes (see below). Typically these x.x.x point releases are bug fixes only, but a few new things snuck in because they were quite simple to get added. Option to watermark thumbnail images This feature request directly from the first Sunshine Hangout. In reviewing what it would take to […]

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Announcing Monthly “Hangout with Sunshine”

Maybe because it’s really late and I have been working for 10+ hours already today, I had a random idea come to me: What if I hosted a monthly Google Hangout where I can answer questions live? So, let’s give it a go. I am going to host the first “Hangout with Sunshine”. It will be […]

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Updates galore: Core and most add-ons

Today I released a bunch of bug fix updates to the core Sunshine plugin (version 2.3.2) as well as many of the add-ons. Please make sure to get updated! The releases are all bug fixes and should be available for automatic update in your WordPress admin area.  

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Sunshine 2.3 Released

I am happy to announce that Sunshine 2.3 is now available for automatic update. The primary goals of this release were to refine Sunshine, not necessarily introduce any new features. This release also focused on code cleanup and trying to hunt down and remove even the smallest code notices. Of course, I can’t test every single setup […]

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Digital Downloads 2.1 Released

We have released an update to our Digital Downloads add-on. Amazon S3 integration via WP Offload S3 The free WP Offload S3 plugin let’s you sync your entire WordPress Media Library to an Amazon S3 cloud file storage account. By putting all your media in the cloud, you have unlimited, cheap file storage regardless of […]

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Minimum Order 1.1 Released

An update to the Minimum Order add-on has just been released. Parent/Child Minimum Orders In this release, we added new features to work with parent/child galleries. If you set a minimum order amount on a parent gallery, the items in cart from the child galleries are used to determine if the minimum is set. Previously […]

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