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1.5.5 Released – Per Product Shipping Costs (and bug fixes)

1.5.5 was made available for release a couple days ago. It was late when I finished it and made it available so I went to bed right after. Then a busy day yesterday and today. So finally I am getting around to announcing this release almost 2 days later. Per Product Shipping Costs A new […]

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1.5.4: Minor bug fix release

1.5.4 is now available for automatic update. This is another minor bug release, see the full changelog below: * Add – Notice if a package does not have any products assigned to it * Fix – Users with apostrophe in their name broke Private Gallery user selection * Fix – Bulk add products didn’t assign […]

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1.5.3: Mostly bug fix release, speed optimization

We have just released Sunshine Photo Cart 1.5.3 which is mostly some bug fixes. However, one important change was made to help the speed the frontend of your site when using the plugin. We have almost cut Sunshine’s memory usage in half with this release which should result in noticeably faster load times for your […]

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1.5.2: Gallery Password Box

Sunshine Photo Cart 1.5.2 is now available with a new Gallery Password Box feature. Traditionally with WordPress, you have to visit a page/post (or in our case a gallery) and then see the password prompt. We created the Gallery Password Box widget to let you put a simple form either inside your own WordPress theme […]

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1.5.0 Released – New 2013 Theme!

Just yesterday WordPress 3.6 was released which included their new Twenty Thirteen theme. To coincide with their release, Sunshine Photo Cart is releasing our new theme! This new theme follows the same general layout as the original with the left sidebar and the right main content area. However, we feel the overall style is a […]

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1.4.3: Usability updates

We want Sunshine Photo Cart to be the most intuitive photo cart available anywhere. We are continually working to make it’s functionality easier for everyone who uses it.

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Bulk adding products

Lost in the huge 1.4.0 release of Packages was an efficiency improvement: Bulk adding of products. Several of our users sent us messages asking for ways to create all their products when setting up Sunshine much more efficiently. When you have 50+ products, we were the first to admit that this was a time consuming […]

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1.4.0 Released: Packages

Packages have by far been our most requested feature and today we are happy to announce this feature is finally here! A package is the selling of multiple products as a single product. For example, you could sell an 8×10 print, 20×30 canvas and a digital download all for a single price (usually discounted from […]

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1.3.1: Digital downloads improvements

This minor update release fixes mostly issues relating to our Digital Downloads add-on as well as making a nice improvement. A great new feature as requested by a user is to allow the downloaded file to be other file formats besides just .jpg. So now, you can have the downloaded file be any of the […]

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New baby promo

If you follow us on Facebook, then you know that we’re expecting a baby boy very soon! Today we are announcing a new promo based on him. Erika has a scheduled delivery for July 2 (32 days from now), but her doctor has said she could deliver at any minute between now and then. I […]

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